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Workplace Inclusion Charter

Workplace Inclusion Charter

Inclusive practices in a diverse workplace are more than ethical – they present significant business advantages and opportunities for organizations that are willing to embrace them:

  • Increased productivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Increased profits
  • Improved employee engagement
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Improved company reputation
  • Wider range of skills
  • Improved cultural insights

The Workplace Inclusion Charter is designed for businesses and organizations of all sizes and at all stages of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. By signing the Charter Declaration, organizations are taking the first step toward becoming more inclusive. All signatories commit to develop and implement an action plan for their organizations that will improve inclusion for a particular population over the course of one year.

Charter members will have access to the following supports:

  • An assessment process that helps identify key opportunities and areas for improvement;
  • An action plan, developed with organizational priorities in mind and with tangible benchmarks that the organization can work towards;
  • Intercultural intelligence training that is customized to each workplace;
  • Public recognition;


Workplace Inclusion Charter Strategy & Resources

This section is dedicated to the strategy that has guided the development of the Charter and the resources that can help employers reach their goal of a more inclusive workplace. Organizations interested in the program are encouraged to contact inclusion@keys.ca.

  • Discover the benefits of hiring with diversity in mind
  • Plan to attract diverse candidates
  • Implement inclusive practices to improve retention and employee moral
  • Develop inclusive policies and procedures
  • Create an inclusive and progressive organizational culture

1. Strategy                                                            2. Resources

Benefits of a Diverse Workforce                                                             Inclusion Charter Resources

Recruiting Diverse Candidates 

Policies and Procedures

Organization Culture


Watch the following videos to discover how Workplace Inclusion Charter participants have benefited from the program to create more diverse, inclusive, and supportive environments. 

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